Adult Bible Study

The Gospel of Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled

The next Bible Study will again focus on the Gospel of Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled.  You will witness key moments in salvation history including the Annunciation, the Nativity, his public ministry and Jesus’ suffering, death and glorious Resurrection.  Parables only found in Luke which will show you the mercy and compassion that Jesus has for each one of His children.  This is an 8-part study by Jeff Cavins and Dr. Jeffrey Morrow that will strengthen your prayer life like never before.  Please join us beginning Monday, 10 February through Monday, 31 March 2025 at 6:00 p.m in the Fr. Hansen Annex.  Please register by 19 January by emailing Karla Schams or calling 608-786-0610 ext. 2.